In January 2016 the government announced the launch of a national mentoring campaign to strengthen and support mentoring across the country. Bringing together schools and colleges, employers, mentoring organisations and young people to grow the number of high-quality, employer-led mentoring relationships across England.
Mentoring can support young people’s engagement with education, their attainment and transition to work. Evidence shows that employer mentoring can have a significant and observable impact on young people, and be a positive experience for mentors. Positive outcomes for young people include improvements in behaviour, engagement, attainment and progression.
Earlier this year Education Business Partnership (NW) Ltd was successful in their application for funding from the government-backed Careers & Enterprise Company’s Investment Fund.
The funding supports students across Lancashire who are about to start their GCSEs but are at risk of disengaging from education which can have a lasting impact on their future and career later in life.
Since March 2017 Education Business Partnership (NW) Ltd has worked with 63 students from 7 secondary schools. A total of 28 mentors, from a range occupational areas, have engaged, inspired and encouraged students to raise their aspirations through a programme of ‘hands on delivery’ and visits to local employers.